Housing Market Data Available From Home.co.uk

Be it house prices, estate agent statistics or property marketing figures, the Home.co.uk Property Search Engine provides an extraordinary quantity and quality of data and therefore insight into the UK housing market.

House Price Data and Analysis

We can provide our clients with raw data on asking prices and sold prices at postcode level. Moreover, thanks to our highly successful Asking Price Index we have the in-house expertise and experience in data analysis to deliver house price reports on local, regional or national levels. Our house price archive goes back to 2004 and includes asking price, postcode, number of bedrooms and property type.

For examples, please see how our Time-on-Market data can be utilised in our reports on the 20 Best Home Selling Towns and the 20 Worst Home Selling Towns. Our analysts are also able to investigate the impact of new residential, industrial, environmental or agricultural developments on house prices across the UK.

Estate Agent Data

Most homes in the UK are sold via an estate agent and so our Property Search Engine follows the property sales and rentals portfolios of nearly every estate agent and letting agent in the UK. Our analysts can query our extensive database of agent data on behalf of our clients to provide statistics covering agent activity across the UK. Our reports can rank agent activity by property type, property price and time on market on a local, regional or national level.

Rental Price Data

Home.co.uk also maintains a very large rental property database. A summary of current rents by town and postcode may be found for most towns and postcodes via our Property Information section eg Cambridge Market Rent Summary. However, more detailed reports are available on request including average (mean) and typical (median) rents across the UK for detached, semi-detached, terraced and flats with each home type broken down by number of bedrooms. Historical rents data is available for trend analysis. These reports are ideal guidance for Rent Setting purposes for Landlords and Housing Associations.

For more information please see Affordable Rent Setting Data For Housing Associations - 80% Market Rents.

We can help with many different sorts of property related data and analysis requests, so please contact us with your enquiry:

  • 0870 162 4936

See also: Advertise on Home.co.uk, House Prices by Town and Postcode, UK Estate Agent Directory, Property Information By Town and Postcode, Data Clients

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