
Website Statistics

Here's a selection of our key website statistics, updated daily.

Property For Sale

Total unique homes for sale found: 523,635
Average asking price of property for sale: £497,590
Properties placed on market in last 14 days: 52,176
Properties reduced in price in last 14 days: 35,320
Properties increased in price in last 14 days: 2,348
Average time on market (of unsold properties): 166 days
Properties viewed by homebuyers last month: 420,585
Click-throughs to property details last month: 51,300
Total value of property for sale: £259,646,182,319
Total property for sale advert URLs tracked: 4,236,176
Property sales websites monitored: 3,288

Rental Property

Total unique properties for rent: 126,781
Average rent of homes advertised to let: £2,657 pcm
Rentals listed on market in last 14 days: 33,961
Click-throughs to rental property details last month: 13,076
Total rental property advert URLs tracked: 793,985
Property rental websites monitored: 2,239

Other Stats

Estate agents listed in directory: 16,383
Letting agents listed in directory: 15,404
User sessions last month: 117,495

Searchable Properties For Sale by Website

Here's how Home.co.uk compares to other property websites.

Searchable Properties For Sale by Website

See also: Search for Houses for Sale, Directory of Estate Agents, Home Asking Price Index, House Prices by Town and Postcode, Home.co.uk Data Services

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