Most Active Estate Agents in Workington (Home Sales)

The Property Search Engine found 19 agents advertising 122 properties within 2 miles of the centre of Workington. All Workington Estate Agents are listed below, along with the number of Workington Properties For Sale in their respective property portfolios followed by their estimated market share (% of total Workington property market).

Buyers and sellers of Workington property will probably find that these popular leading estate agents can offer above average market insight and property sales service.

First Choice Move - 01946 413001
Gate House, Hallwood Road, Lillyhall, Workington, CA14 4JR
15 properties (12%)
Hunters - 01228 276402
56 Warwick Road,, Carlisle,, Cumbria,, CA1 1DR
5 properties (4%)
Your Move - 01946 663 11
67 Lowther Street, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 7AH
4 properties (3%)
Purplebricks - 024 7509 6895
GB & Overseas, 650 The Crescent, Colchester Business Park, CO4 9YQ, Colchester
3 properties (2%)
PFK - 01900 512348
68 Main Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9LU
2 properties (2%)
David Britton Estates - 01768 800886
Unit 3, Mason Court, Gillan Way, Penrith 40 Business Park, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9GR
1 property (1%)
GetAnOffer - 01903 331588
7 Liverpool Terrace, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1TA
1 property (1%)
HH Land and Property - 01228 582047
Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS
1 property (1%)
New Home Agents - 0113 322 5766
Unit 7, First Floor, Hepton Court, Leeds, LS9 6PW
1 property (1%)
William H Brown - 08720 457339*
38 High Street, DONCASTER, South Yorkshire, DN10 6JE
1 property (1%)

* Calls cost 10ppm plus your network access charge

See also: Estate Agents in Workington, Workington Property Information