
Mortgage Glossary: Title Deeds

Title Deeds

Title is the legal term denoting the right to ownership of a property and the Title Deeds are the legal documents showing who owns a property. They don't just show who owns the property now but are the collected legal documentation of past transfers of ownership as well.

Title deeds may contain evidence of mortgages, marriage settlements, wills, sales deeds, descriptions of buildings, including changes of use, alterations and extensions. There may also be clauses in the title deeds limiting what may or may not be done on the property, from pet ownership to restrictions on commercial usage.

If you live in England and Wales, you can obtain details of your Title Deeds via HM Land Registry's online search facility, which contains more than 19 million records representing the majority of English and Welsh properties. Full details of the fees for copies can be found here. The deeds could be made up of several documents, including the Register (details of each property) and Title Plan (a plan of the property). If you live in Scotland, visit the Registers of Scotland website.

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